Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Baby Bear

It never ceases to amaze me how important sleep is - not just for the kidd-o but for his Mamas too.  Will is back to normal sleep habits of sleeping through the night - yay!  Not only is he happier in the morning with more energy but so are his Mamas.  

In fact, when Will has slept well he is more likely to play independently.  This is an additional benefit because it can allow me some time to (finally) catch-up on e-mail and get a cup of coffee.  The other morning, he wandered out of our family room where I was checking my e-mail.  At first it was very quite, then I noticed some pretty regular and intense babbling coming from our bedroom.  When I peeked in on Will, there he was on our bed with some books happily "reading" away!  We just bought him a new Eric Carle book, Baby Bear, Baby Bear, and he is love with it!  So, I joined him on the bed and asked him if he would read it to me.  Very excitedly, he closed the book and started at the very beginning.  First pointing to Baby Bear and saying "Baby Bear," then moving along the pages babbling at the animals he knew, he even hissed like the rattlesnake!  It was absolutely phenomenal!  I just cannot believe how quickly he is growing up!

Now that the last couple weeks are behind us, things are looking up!  Although there is some new snow on the ground the sun is out and that always helps!

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