So, the last time I posted, I don't think H was even born! Bad blogger! I am going to try to make a renewed effort to post weekly, but we'll see. . .
H was born last July just a few short days before his big brother's birthday (since I'm on my iPad I'll post pictures later). The Wife did a fantastic job birthing him! She was a pro. He is a peanut compared to his older brother! However, he is the happiest kid I've ever seen! He is constantly smiling, giggling and cooing. Although those coos are beginning to sound more and more like words. He has opinions about what he eats (or at least what he eats first).
WW is a fantastic big brother! He loves his little brother to bits. While he continues to tower over everyone his age, he also has the biggest heart. He is doing great at Oak Lane and continues to be very interested in music.
In the last year, I have turned into a runner. While I swore I never would run, I needed to do something to get back into shape, so I started running. I have run 3 5K's since November and am currently training for my first half-marathon (eeekkkk)!! I've lost 20 lbs of fat and gained 6 lbs of lean muscle! Much of that is due to my amazing trainer at Next Step Personal Training.
At the office, I am now Director of Compliance which is a position I really enjoy.
The Wife is doing fantastic!
While everything sounds like it is going on swimmingly, the biggest news is that on Thursday, May 30th, H will be headed in for surgery on his skull. He was born with a birth defect in which two of his skull plates fused prematurely. This condition is known as craniosynostosis. Luckily, our pediatrician caught it at H's one-month check-up and immediately referred us to a neurosurgeon.
The neurosurgeon has been terrific. He, along with his colleague at surgical specialties, presented us with two options for initially handling H's condition. The first option was a minimally invasive arthroscopic procedure whereby the surgeons would recreate the space in between the fused plates. This procedure would require that H wear a molding helmet for 15 - 18 months. The second option, called a frontal orbital advancement, is much more invasive and really akin to a reconstructive surgery the fused part of the skull.
We chose the first option.
Unfortunately, that was not as successful as the surgeons had hoped, so now we go back for the second option. The more invasive surgery. The good news is that H hasn't had to wear his helmet and won't have to wear another one! The bad news is this surgery is much more invasive and quite a bit longer. So that's what we're dealing with.
I hope to post more later in the week.